Dong Guan Molex Interconnect Co., Ltd — 东莞莫仕连接器有限公司

Molex, one of the world’s largest interconnection system manufacturers was founded in 1938. Headquartered in Illinois, USA, we have more than 30,000 employees in more than 20 countries around the world. Our main products include everything from electronic, electrical and fiber optic interconnects to switches and application tooling.

Dongguan Molex Interconnect Co. Ltd. is the first subsidiary company that was invested by Molex in china. There are over 5000 employees working in Dongguan Molex. Our main products are Cable Assembly/Connector/PCBA/Fiber Optics/Membrane Switch and so on. The company provides many Internal and external training opportunities including oversea assignment and training for our employees. As our business is increasing, we sincerely invite high caliber talents to join us. Legality, Equity, Volunteer, Cooperation and Integrity are our principle and forbid any discrimination.

Molex has joined Koch Industries Inc. now, which is one of the largest private companies in the world. Will the full support of Koch Industries, Molex will have a greater development in the near future.


东莞莫仕连接器有限公司是美国Molex在中国设立的第一家生产基地,拥有员工5000多人。主要生产Cable Assembly/Connector/FPCA(PCBA)/Fiber Optics/Membrane Switch等产品。公司为广大员工提供众多的内部和海外培训的机会。随着公司业务迅速发展,现诚邀有才之士加盟。



  1. 1. 五天八小时工作制,健全的年假、法定假期、产假、陪产假、婚假等休假制度
  2. 2. 薪资:国内具竞争力的薪资
  3. 3. 奖金:每月绩效奖、年终奖、成果奖、年资服务奖等等
  4. 4. 培训:网络学习、专业技能培训、国外学习等
  5. 5. 社会保险+住房公积金:五险一金
  6. 6. 商业保险:保障对象除员工本人外,还包括未成年子女
  7. 7. 伙食:提供伙食补贴、菜式多样化,自助餐自选方式就餐
  8. 8. 住宿:免费公寓,职员每两人一间。空调、电视、热水等设施一应俱全
  9. 9. 交通:对常住广州、深圳的同事,周末提供免费穿梭巴士接送往返广州、深圳
  10. 10. 公司资助的员工兴趣社团(如羽毛球社团、瑜珈舞蹈社团、足球社团、徒步社团等)
  11. 11. 年度周年晚宴、生日晚会、员工出游等


  1. 1. 出发点---> 东莞汽车南站, 乘813路车 ---> 桔洲社区路口 ---> 莫仕二厂
  2. 2. 出发点---> 东莞火车站- 乘813路公交车 ---> 桔洲社区路口—〉莫仕二厂
  3. 3. 东莞轻轨---> 榴花公园站--->乘813路车--> 桔洲社区路口 ---> 莫仕二厂


  1. Email:
  2. 公司网址:
  3. 公司地址:广东省东莞市石碣镇桔洲第三工业区